The Digital Education Office are hiring!

Following on from the great work of our Student Digital Champions, Bristol Futures Mentors and previous student interns, the Digital Education Office are now expanding our student roles within the team.

Student Digital Champion 

The UoB Digital Education Office (DEO) are looking for passionate students to work with us to ensure that all students can get the most out of their digital and blended learning experiences at Bristol. As a Student Digital Champion, you will be talking to students, course reps and staff members to hear to what is or isn’t working in our online learning environments, and identify good practice in teaching and assessment. You will be working as a team, with the DEO and other Student Digital Champions, to identify and address key challenges the student body are facing when learning in an online, blended or hybrid environment, and then propose, pilot and implement practical solutions. In addition, you’ll be adding your own personal experiences and feedback to the work of the DEO, and helping us shape the work we do in real time. To apply for this role, you need to be a current student at the University of Bristol. You’ll be working an average of 3 hours per week for three months spanning July – September, and we hope to provide a possibility of continuing in the role for the 2021/22 academic year.

Student Caption Editor

The UoB Digital Education Office (DEO) are looking for a team of postgraduate students with great attention to detail and editing skills.

As a Caption Editor, you will review and edit automatically generated captions through the Re/Play Service. You will consult academic staff where needed and will work with the DEO to provide feedback on the accuracy of the service and help identify areas for improvement.


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