We are excited to announce that the DEO have recruited a new group of Student Digital Champions to work with the team for the next year to help us improve students’ digital experience whilst at University. You can find out more about them here. If you’re a student and want to get in touch with them, get in contact with your Course Rep who will be able to put you in touch.
Polly Davis
3rd Year, studying Environmental Geoscience. Polly has worked with the DEO since the start of 2022.

Tell us something about yourself (interesting or not!)
Just like last year, I am a great Louis Theroux enthusiast!
What is your favourite keyboard shortcut?
My favourite has to be command-f as it saves me a lot of time to find relevant information in countless academic papers. Just search for a keyword and it will direct you to the areas where that word is mentioned in writing!
What’s your favourite emoji to use in online sessions?
Always the smiley face 
Is there a University acronym or term you’ve still never worked out what it means?
Fortunately not.
What are you most looking forward to being involved with in the Digital Education Office?
Enhancing digital skills for students. Not only are they essential for university, but they will also be essential for many workplaces! It is vital that all students can access digital learning tools at every stage.
Daniel Cheek
1st Year, studying MEng Aerospace Engineering

Tell us something about yourself (interesting or not!)
I enjoy playing football and support Watford. I’m terrible at cooking but an avid food enjoyer. I also enjoy travelling and hiking.
What is your favourite keyboard shortcut?
Windows+ (Magnifier)
What’s your favourite emoji to use in online sessions?
Peace emoji ✌
Is there a University acronym or term you’ve still never worked out what it means?
AVDASI* – it’s a unit on my course but I have no idea what it means apart from A being aerospace.
What are you most looking forward to being involved with in the Digital Education Office?
Improving student experience in a more meaningful way so that when people have issues with digital learning I can take real action to help them.
Rosie Neville
3rd Year, studying Economics and Politics

Tell us something about yourself (interesting or not!)
As well as playing football, I am an Arsenal fan (which probably fills me with more dread than joy!)
What is your favourite keyboard shortcut?
Ctrl + F
What’s your favourite emoji to use in online sessions?
Thumbs up – appropriate in most situations 
Is there a University acronym or term you’ve still never worked out what it means?
What are you most looking forward to being involved with in the Digital Education Office?
I am looking forward to being a student voice/ representative on the team. I think having lived experience of what works (and what doesn’t work!) will be beneficial in seeing how the university can use digital resources to improve the experience of students – whether that’s making the digital environment more accessible or improving feedback systems.
Conor Macdonald
2nd Year, studying Philosophy and Economics

Tell us something about yourself (interesting or not!)
I can speak Welsh.
What is your favourite keyboard shortcut?
Command + Tab (switches between open apps)
What’s your favourite emoji to use in online sessions?
It has to be the simple thumbs up 👍
Is there a University acronym or term you’ve still never worked out what it means?
I’d like to think I know most of them, though I still sometimes get mixed up between summative and formative assessments.
What are you most looking forward to being involved with in the Digital Education Office?
I’m looking forward to shaping the student experience of digital education at Bristol. Hopefully I can input their opinions on projects before they’re implemented. I’d also like to improve students’ opinions regarding their experience with present projects, such as Multi Factor Authentication (MFA). Hopefully I can show that it is a very useful security feature and not something to dislike.
Emma Yi Kwan Lau,
3rd Year, studying Veterinary Science

Tell us something about yourself (interesting or not!)
I travelled to Ireland last summer for an internship to learn more about aquaculture and how it relates to veterinary medicine. You wouldn’t have correlated your pet fish with vets, but that’s possible and is an industry I want to be part of!
What is your favourite keyboard shortcut?
Ctrl+Z. Sometimes I accidentally delete what I wrote. However, with this shortcut, I can easily recover the sentence or paragraph I was writing!
What’s your favourite emoji to use in online sessions?
👍 A thumbs up!
Is there a University acronym or term you’ve still never worked out what it means?
Not yet.
What are you most looking forward to being involved with in the Digital Education Office?
Collecting students’ opinions on the current blended learning system and creating projects to improve students’ experiences!
Gen Kawaguchi
2nd Year. Studying Aerospace Engineering

Tell us something about yourself (interesting or not!)
I worked as a volunteer in Tokyo 2020 Olympics!
What is your favourite keyboard shortcut?
Shift+Windows+S! Snipping is useful.
What’s your favourite emoji to use in online sessions?
👍- When I get confused and understand.
Is there a University acronym or term you’ve still never worked out what it means?
A LOT!! I still find many acronyms that I don’t know especially when checking emails… (TSS, CAG, ILO, etc…)*
What are you most looking forward to being involved with in the Digital Education Office?
Work collaboratively with team members 
Hannah Harrison
1st Year, studying MSc Mathematics of Cybersecurity

Tell us something about yourself (interesting or not!)
I love to scuba dive!
What is your favourite keyboard shortcut?
Ctrl-F is a firm favourite, it saves so much time!
What’s your favourite emoji to use in online sessions?
The facepalm emoji – for when I’ve been stuck on a problem for ages and suddenly realise the obvious solution! 
Is there a University acronym or term you’ve still never worked out what it means?
What are you most looking forward to being involved with in the Digital Education Office?
I am looking forward to the opportunity to write blog posts, as I rarely write anything outside of the academic style. I’m also excited to share my ideas on how to improve student experiences with blackboard and online learning after the shake-up caused by COVID.
Nia Burkinshaw,
2nd Year, studying Law

Tell us something about yourself (interesting or not!)
I am really terrible at using buses in Bristol, and have often gone in the wrong direction. I have ended up in practically Weston-super-Mare not once but twice!
What is your favourite keyboard shortcut?
ctrl + f, saves a lot of boring reading!
What’s your favourite emoji to use in online sessions?
A simple smiley face for when my lecturer shows us his cats. 
Is there a University acronym or term you’ve still never worked out what it means?
No, but the ASS (library) can be great for making an immature joke.
What are you most looking forward to being involved with in the Digital Education Office?
The team seem really great and exciting people, I’m looking forward to collaborating with others to help students get the most out of the amazing resources we have access to.
Katie Stoker
1st year MSc, studying Bioinformatics

Tell us something about yourself (interesting or not!)
I studied in Italy for one year during my undergraduate degree!
What is your favourite keyboard shortcut?
Hm, I would say it has to be ctrl+ s…
I have learned from experience that you should save your work as you go!
What’s your favourite emoji to use in online sessions?
The heart! ❤️
Is there a University acronym or term you’ve still never worked out what it means?
As a newbie to the university, I was quite confused hearing people they were going to “ASS” to study (Arts And Social Sciences Library for anyone still confused).
What are you most looking forward to being involved with in the Digital Education Office?
Working with the DEO is going to be a great opportunity to be a representative of the student voice. I look forward to contributing creative and innovative ideas to solve problems and improve the online university experience.
Bibiana Lebersorger
3rd year, studying English

Tell us something about yourself (interesting or not!)
I really enjoy cold water swimming, especially at home along the Devon coastline.
What is your favourite keyboard shortcut?
Control/Command + F = Find a word in a document.
What’s your favourite emoji to use in online sessions?
Thumbs up! 👍
Is there a University acronym or term you’ve still never worked out what it means?
What are you most looking forward to being involved with in the Digital Education Office?
I’m really looking forward to helping to identify digital problems that students and lectures alike encounter, and coming up with creative potential solutions.
Samantha Travers-Spencer
2nd Year, studying Veterinary Science

Tell us something about yourself (interesting or not!)
My favourite animals are donkeys!
What is your favourite keyboard shortcut?
It has to be the classic Ctrl+V!
What’s your favourite emoji to use in online sessions?
Definitely the thumbs up emoji. 👍
Is there a University acronym or term you’ve still never worked out what it means?
There are so many I have honestly lost count!
What are you most looking forward to being involved with in the Digital Education Office?
I am most looking forward to working with a diverse team, meeting new people and hopefully developing new digital skills along the way.
Timber Hill
1st Year MSc, studying Nuclear Science and Engineering

Tell us something about yourself (interesting or not!)
I’m a member of the judiciary!
What is your favourite keyboard shortcut?
Windows + X – opens up a menu to quickly open Task Manager, Device Manager or a PowerShell instance (and more!)
What’s your favourite emoji to use in online sessions?
😦 – the sort of face you’d make if you’re looking at something that has gone way over your head
Is there a University acronym or term you’ve still never worked out what it means?
Too many to remember! I come across AQSC (Academic Quality and Standards Committee) written down a fair bit, and only just found out what it stands for.
What are you most looking forward to being involved with in the Digital Education Office?
Getting stuck in with projects to make digital tools work better for all students! I’m especially interested in accessibility – with a focus on neurodivergence.
Useful links
You can find out more about the Student Digital Champions, and see some of the work they have created on the following pages.
*We knew most of these acronyms, but had to look a few up!
- AVDASI – Aerospace Vehicle Design and Systems Integration
- APR – Annual programme review.
- Summative assessment – Assessments of learning provide a measure of achievement in relation to the learning outcomes of the unit or programme. These assessments are designed to test how much you have learnt, i.e. your knowledge, understanding and skills.
- Formative assessment – Assessments for learning are designed to provide you with feedback on your progress and to inform your development, but do not contribute to the overall unit or programme mark. These assessments should help you gain further knowledge, understanding and skills.
- TSS – Temporary Staffing Service
- CAG – Casual, Academic, Guest
- ILO – Industrial Liaison Office
- SSLC – Student Staff Liaison Committees
- AGM – Annual General Meeting
- EGM – Extraordinary General Meeting